Match Play & Procedures
Independent Billiard League of Las Vegas
2014 Winter Season
1.1 MATCH DEFINITION – A match is an Independent Billiards League of Las Vegas (IBL) scheduled competition between 2 sponsored teams.
1.2 MATCH POSTPONEMENT – A 24-hour notice must be given to the opposing team captain and the Vice President if a match must be postponed. If the reason for the match postponement is not acceptable to the opposing team captain, the matter must be referred to the Vice President for an immediate decision on the reason’s validity. It is the responsibility of the team captains concerned to play the postponed match within 3 weeks at a time and place mutually agreeable. If the match is not played within the required time period, the Vice President will affix responsibility for the match not being played and will recommend punitive action to the Board of Officers.
1.3 END OF SEASON NO-SHOW – During the last two weeks of play, if a team does not show up, no member of that team may play on any team for the next two seasons. If only one member shows up, they must sign the score sheet or be disqualified for the next two seasons. Sheet must be signed by 7:15PM.
1.4 SCORE SHEETS AND STANDINGS – Blank score sheets (with BLACK indicating BREAK noted) will be provided to captains during the Captain’s Meetings. The home team captain is responsible for supplying the blank score sheet during game play. Game statistics and any pool league news will be updated and provided on the pool league website. Team captains are responsible for disseminating the information to their team members.
1.5 TEAM PRACTICE – Team practice begins at 6:00PM. The home team shall have the pool table to practice for the first half hour and the visiting team shall have the table for the second half hour.
1.6 STARTING TIME – The designated start time for regular weekly match play is 7:00PM Pacific Standard Time. The match will begin as close to the designated start time as possible.
1.7 REGISTERED PLAYER – New players may be registered and play on the same night they are registered during the first 4 weeks of a team’s scheduled play. From week 5 through 4 weeks before the end of the season, a player must be registered at least 1 week in advance of playing. As proof of registration, their names should appear on the latest standing sheet on the website on the night that they are to play.
A registered player may only switch teams during the first 4 weeks of a team’s scheduled play. All games won or lost prior to the switch will be forfeited by the player and not count for all qualifying tournaments. Any games won or lost by the switching player will not affect the teams overall scores. A player may only switch teams once per season.
A player may switch within their division or move to a higher division. Moving to a lower division will not be permitted.
During the last 4 weeks of the season, no new player may be registered or play on any team.
1.8 NUMBER OF PLAYERS REQUIRED – A match may be played with any number of players between 2 and 7 per team. Any games forfeited because less than 4 players are present to play will represent games won for the opposing team and individuals. No individual on a team that forfeits games because of less than 4 players are available can accumulate losses due to the forfeits.
1.9 POSTING THE LINE-UP – The line-up is to be posted on the score sheet first by the home team and then by the visiting team.
1.10 SCOREKEEPERS – It is the responsibility of the home team’s captain to maintain the official score sheet in a legible and accurate manner.
1.11 ROTATION OF BREAKS AND PLAYERS – The break will rotate in accordance with the score sheet, which provides 2 opportunities to break and 2 opportunities to rack per player position, per match. Player rotation on the score sheet will be followed precisely so that each player position will play each player position on the opposing team once.
1.11.1 – An error in the break order must be challenged prior to the break shot of that game. Otherwise the results of that game will stand.
1.11.2 – Games played out of order shall be counted as played when the game comes up on the score sheet.
1.12 LATE PLAYER – During the regular season, prior to the start of the second half of a match, a late player may be permitted to make up all games missed in the first half. Once the second half begins, a late player may only make up a game in a quarter not yet completed. Any games that were due to play in a quarter all ready completed will be forfeited.
1.13 SUBSTITUATION OF PLAYERS – No more than 3 player substitutions may be made per match, per team. If a player substitution is made, the substituting player must play the remainder of the match in that player position. The outgoing player may not be a substitute for someone else on the same team. Substitution of a player is not permitted during a game in progress.
1.14 COACHING – Refer to BCA Rule 1.41.
1.15 COACHING VIOLATION – Before a coaching violation can be called between players turns, the player whose turn it is to shoot must be reminded that it is now their turn. At any time during the game, the shooter may request clarification as to which group is their group of balls and the opposing player must advise them correctly. Coaching must not be offered or given unless requested and to do so constitutes a foul. A player may engage in conversation of any kind with teammates or others after completing each of their turns in any game while their opponent is shooting (this is not a foul).
1.16 DISPUTES – Should a dispute occur during a match it should be resolved by both team captains. All players must honor an opposing team captain’s request that play be halted while /he/she checks or verifies any rule in question. Failure to honor such a request constitutes unsportsmanlike conduct and possible loss of game. Disputes not resolved by the team captains will be referred to the Vice President for disposition. Any game in dispute should be completed and the legend “disputed game” placed alongside the game results on the score sheet. A description of the reasons for the dispute should be written on the back of the original score sheet (top copy).
1.17 INTERFERENCE – To allow maximum freedom of movement to the shooter and to avoid the appearance of anyone offering unsolicited advice, only the shooter is permitted at the table while a game is in progress. If someone physically interferes with a player in the process of shooting and causes the balls to be displaced, both the shooter and the opposing player must agree upon playing the table in position or returning the balls to their original positions. If no agreement can be reached, the game must be replayed.
1.18 UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT – No player is permitted to engage in any activity, which is unsportsmanlike in nature, embarrassing, disruptive and detrimental to other players or to the sport in general. Covered under this rule is the heckling of any player, booing, hissing, standing in the line of the shot about to be made and loud or boisterous noises from the opposing team or their guest’s. Unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of either team or their guests is cause for the loss of the game in progress.
1.19 WEEKLY TEAM PLAYER’S FEES – Each team captain is responsible for collecting the player’s fees described in Section 3.4 of the Bylaws for his/her team each night of play. The full amount must be collected and turned in regardless of the number of players present (this means that teams are responsible for paying for their forfeits). Checks should be made payable to IBL for individual fees only. Any member whose check is returned by the bank for any reason will be charged a $35.00 service charge. They will be given 2 weeks from notification to make good on the check. Failing to do so will result in suspension from the IBL for the remainder of the season.
1.20 DROP POINTS – The home team captain is responsible for turning in all monies and score sheet at the end of a match. Both team captain’s sign and check score sheet for accuracy. The visiting captain should be given the gold copy. The home team captain is responsible for having all monies and score sheet delivered that evening to the designated drop point (Bar of the Week) after the scheduled match. They should have the Board Member receiving them date, notate the amount of money enclosed and sign the score sheet. The home team captain should then take the pink copy for his/her records as a receipt of turning in the monies and score sheet. The home team captain is responsible for any losses if they do not have their copy of the score sheet signed by the drop point Board Member as a receipt.
(hereinafter to be called the League).
B. To ensure the right of all League Members to participate, the League shall not schedule League
matches, meetings or other events at locations that discriminate based on age, color, ethnic
background, disability, family status, gender, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, veteran status, or transgender/crossdressing.
A. The Board of Trustees shall be comprised of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,
Sergeant-At-Arms and Public Relations Coordinator as provided for in the By-Laws.
B. Duties of the officers of the Board of Trustees:
a. The President shall be the principal executive officer of the League and shall in general
supervise and manage all of the business and affairs of the League.
b. He/she may preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors.
c. He/she may sign with any proper officer of the League any documents that have been authorized
to be executed except where expressly prohibited by the By-Laws.
d. He/she shall perform all duties incident to the office of President, including but not limited to:
appointment of positions, creation of committees, signing of checks, approval of payments,
authorizing signatures on checks, payments in accordance with the By-Laws and authorizing
a. In the absence of the President or in the event of his inability or refusal to act, the Vice-President
shall perform the duties of the President, and when doing so shall have all the powers
and be subject to the limitations and restrictions of the President.
b. The Vice-President shall assist the President in all functions requiring him/her to do so
and shall act in other duties assigned by the President, Board of Trustees, or the Board of
c. The Vice-President shall serve as the Programs Committee Chairman
d. He/she shall perform as the Tournament Director and Head Referee of all league tournaments
and will determine all matters of fact relating to the rules, maintain fair playing conditions, call fouls,
and take other action as required by the rules of the league.
a. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors.
b. The Secretary will be responsible for maintaining and recording all statistics necessary for League
operation, including but not limited to: team and individual averages, standings, and awards
c. The Secretary shall, on a weekly basis, have all standings and League information current
and be responsible for dispensing such information to the Team Captains by e-mail (if available) or
USPS mail, mailed by Thursday.
d. The Secretary shall develop the play schedule, in accordance with Article XII of the Policies
and Procedures.
e. The Secretary will establish and announce the location of a Lock Box at the beginning of each season
for the dropping of scores. The box will be locked and cleared only by the Secretary of the League.
f. The Secretary will establish and publish the schedule for delivery of score sheets to the lock box in
order to meet the requirements of Article V, A.
a. The Treasurer shall have custody and shall be in charge of all funds of the League. He/she shall
receive and give receipts for monies in the bank account as set up under the By-Laws.
b. The Treasurer, along with the President, shall have primary check signing powers.
c. The Treasurer shall be responsible for accurate records of each team’s seasonal fees and sanctions
fees, and shall notify each Teams Member, the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors when
any team is in default prior to the implementation of such fees or forfeits.
d. The Treasurer shall be responsible for submitting a budget to the general membership and will be
responsible for conducting a bi-seasonal audit to be submitted to the general membership.
e. The Treasurer will deposit all funds with in five working days of receipt. The President will be
informed of any exceptions.
f. Receipts for reimbursement must be submitted to the Treasurer within 14 days of the date on the
receipt. Handwritten receipts are acceptable when printed receipts are not available.
g. The Treasurer will reimburse for expenses, etc., within seven days after receiving expense receipts.
All expenses submitted are subject to approval by the Treasurer. Expenses in question will be
discussed with the President.
h. Any expenses over fifty dollars must be approved first by the President.
a. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be responsible for maintaining conduct appropriate to the proper running
of the League.
b. He/she shall be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order. He/she shall act as Parliamentarian and keep
all meeting procedures in accordance to Robert’s Rules of Order. A copy of Robert’s Rules of Order
will be provided by the League.
c. He/she shall have the authority to dismiss any player acting in a manner deemed detrimental to the
operations of the League or Sponsoring establishment.
d. He/she shall have the authority to maintain order at all Board of Directors meetings and to dismiss
from the meetings any member at the request of the President or presiding officer that has displayed
conduct deemed detrimental to the progress of the meeting.
e. He/she shall act as liaison between the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors.
f. The Sergeant-At-Arms is responsible for the League Banner.
a. The Public Relations Officer shall prepare a League Newsletter, the "Insider", to be available to each
member once a month; shall report news of the League activities to League members; and shall
prepare for release to the local news media press releases on League activities, including posting
notices at sponsoring establishments of important meetings, tournaments and events sponsored by the
b. He/she shall be the official and only spokesperson for the League to the media, with the direction of
the President and the Board of Trustees.
c. He/she shall maintain the IBL web page. If said person does not own a personal computer the League
will offer use of a computer for such purpose and if no other avenue is available, the League will
reimburse the coordinator for rental usage.
C. Any member may be placed under probation resulting from a previous season or current season, and
then be banned from the League, if deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees.
D. The term of the Board of Trustees shall consist of two consecutive seasons before elections occur.
E. Any announcements made in the weekly publication of the standings throughout the season not
pertaining directly to league play shall be approved by the Board of Trustees before publication.
F. The Board shall be responsible for ensuring that all substitutes are notified of all league events, such
as tournaments, awards party, meetings, etc., in a manner left up to the Board.
G. The Board of Trustees have the right to refuse or reject any application for membership at the
beginning of each season of any person “not in good standing” from a previous season.
H. The PROGRAMS COMMITTEE - This committee shall consist of at least three members of the
board of Directors as appointed by the President, to provide the membership with League programs.
The Committee is responsible for the presentation of such programs as tournaments, fund-raising,
etc., to the membership at League meetings. The Vice-President shall be the chairman of the
Programs Committee.
A. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the Team Captains or a representative from each team.
B. Duties of the Board of Directors:
1. The Team Captain is responsible for the conduct of the team. Any offensive behavior or conduct
during play will result in an individual forfeit of a game for that individual as reviewed and
determined by the Board of Trustees.
2. The Team Captain is responsible for team score sheets. Winning teams must call scores in to the
Secretary by 8 p.m. the Wednesday after play. Team scores along with individual scores must be
called in. If the scores are not reported by that time, a fine will be assessed to the team according to
terms of Article VIII, D., 6. All score sheets must be turned in to the Secretary at each of the monthly
meetings or, in alternate months, dropped in the League lock box by each Team or a penalty fine will
be assessed to that team, as addressed in Article V, A. Penalty Fines.
3. The Team Captain is responsible for making the team roster of at least two players and not more than
three players with applications turned into the Secretary before 8:00 PM the first night of play. The
Roster must be finalized with three regular players no later than two weeks after the beginning of
League Play. If a team member is added, the application must be given to the Secretary before 8 PM
the night of play.
4. The Team Captain is responsible for seeing that match play begins on time.
5. Team Captains may be replaced by the members of the team at any time if it is deemed necessary.
6. There will be a monthly meeting of the Board of Directors. Each team needs to be represented by
a member of the team (captain or other team player). Teams not at the meeting will be fined in
accordance to Article V, A – Penalty Fines. A Captain that may be part of the Board of Trustees may
sign in and represent his team at all meetings, but will not be allowed to vote in the interest of the
team. If at any time a Team Captain who is part of the Board of Trustees becomes involved in a
protest, the President shall appoint a replacement for impartiality.
7. Both teams shall be responsible for match play.
8. Team Captains must notify any substitute who has committed to play for the team of any change in
the originally scheduled playing location. If the schedule has been changed and the substitute is not
notified and misses the match, the substitute will not be charged with the losses. The losses will be
given to the regular player he/she is substituting for.
9. If a substitute commits to a team and the playing location has not changed and the substitute does not
show, and there is no replacement substitute available, the original substitute will be charged with the
losses. If discrepancy is noted by the substitute or other player, it may be brought to the Board of
Trustees' attention.
A. Each team shall consist of three regular players. After the third week of play, each player must be
sanctioned by the Independent Billiard League of Las Vegas as a substitute player at least one week
prior to playing. The substitute player may then become a regular team player according to Article IV,
D. Players may be added for the first three-fourths of the season.
B. A legal line-up for match play must consist of at least one regular player sanctioned under the
League’s official roster by 8:00 pm and a complete team by 8:30. All substitutes will have an "S”
C. Permanent players from one team may not play for another team if they should have the night off.
D. Any sanctioned player may change his/her player status only twice a season up to three-fourths of
the season (Example: Regular Player to Substitute Player to Regular Player OR Substitute Player to
Regular Player to Substitute Player). Before any change can occur, change must be noted on an
official (Change Request Form supplied to the Team Captains and delivered to a Board of Trustees
officer by Wednesday, 8 p.m. Pacific time, before the next night of play before any changes can
occur. Regular players moving to Substitute Status will be ineligible for individual substitute awards.
E. TROUBLED TEAMS: Definition - a team that for whatever reason (death, quarrels, job status,
or no longer wishes to play) loses up to two of its regular members forcing the team to be
dropped from the League because it cannot meet a “legal” line-up after the League "cut-off”
period has expired. The Board is to use its discretion and either allow substitutes to join the
team or combine the remaining players from two teams in order to keep the team or teams in
the League.
1. A troubled team can petition the Board of Trustees after the cut-off period has expired to allow a
player(s) from the substitute list to become a regular team member.
2. If no substitutes or regular members can be found, the remaining players may go to the substitute list
without losing their standing but will be ineligible for individual substitute awards.
F. Any member who is barred from a sponsoring establishment is required to either:
1. Work it out with the owner/manager of the sponsoring establishment to allow them to play their
match on the night they are scheduled; or
2. Notify the team captains of the situation, as far in advance as possible, so the team may obtain a
substitute for the nights they are scheduled to play in that establishment.
Penalty Fines: Penalty fines are not cumulative. Once assigned, a penalty fine MUST be paid before the
team is allowed to play again. Until the penalty fine has been paid, all matches are forfeited. Penalty
fines are defined as follows:
1. Failure to turn in white score sheets at the bi-monthly meeting or, in alternate months, the League
lock box: ($10 fine).
2. No team representative at the bimonthly meeting or no score sheets deposited in the League lock
box in the alternate months: ($10 fine).
Penalty fines must be paid by Monday, 8 p.m. before the next match or the team will have a forfeit as
stated in Article VIII, D. Arrangements for payment must be made with either the League’s President or
Treasurer. Any member of the team may pay the fine. The President or Treasurer will contact the
Secretary (or vice-versa) by Tuesday morning to advise him/her if the fines have been paid. If they
have not been paid, the Secretary will advise the opposing team that they will have a Forfeit win by letting
the Team Captain know. This will continue until all fines have been paid.
Notification of fines owed will be made by the following means:
1. Printed on the Weekly Standings, which is mailed or emailed to each team Captain on a weekly basis,
and available to all members at the bi-monthly meetings.
2. The Treasurer will contact the Team Captain or Co-Captain within 24 hours of the meeting to notify
them of fines owed.
3. The Treasurer will notify the Board of Directors of any team owing Penalty Fines at the bi-monthly
meeting before the meeting is adjourned.
1. Seasonal fees will be as follows:
a. $80.00 per sponsor/bar for the first team, $60.00 for the second team and $50.00 for each additional
team. The Board of Trustees will make every effort possible to insure the sponsor tables and play
location are in good condition (table level, table well lit, felt and cushions in good condition, etc.). All
complaints registered by the general membership about a particular known sponsor area of play
and/or playing conditions must be resolved. If after a number of complaints have been voiced by the
membership and the Board of Trustees has attempted to work out a viable solution with the sponsor
and the sponsor refuses to resolve the issue, no matches will be scheduled in that location.;
b. $150 per team ($50.00 per team player);
c. $20.00 for substitutes;
d. The Board of Trustees, at their discretion, depending on the League’s current financial status, may
utilize an early registration discount. The time frame for and the amount of the discount, will be decided
by the Board of Trustees each season.
2. All Seasonal Fees are due at Registration for the entire team (regardless of the number of players registered)
3. The Team Captain is responsible for the collection and payment of the team’s season fees.
4. For tables that cannot be paid for game play evenly, the Racker will provide the extra quarter for play
(for example, for .75 tables, the Breaker pays .25 and the Racker pays .50). In all other instances, the price
of the table will be split in half for both teams.
5. Each team is responsible for their own monies.
1. League Cards for all league members will be distributed when they are received from the sanctioning
organization should the League decide to be sanctioned.
2. Any additional League members enrolling in the League after original cut-off date must join as a substitute.
A one-week grace period (from Tuesday before 8 p.m. to play the following Tuesday) will be observed
before the first night of play. League Cards for those new members will distributed when they are received
from the sanctioning organization.
Team captains, their representatives, or sponsors, that sign up an entire team and/or substitutes, must
present the completed registration forms along with the appropriate fees for that number of players. Team
registrations must include completed registration forms of at least two (2) individuals signing up as regular
players on the same team in order to complete a team roster. No teams will be accepted without at least a two
person roster and no registrations will be accepted without complete registration forms and money.
A $20.00 fee will be charged for each NSF check, in addition to the bank charge. After the second NSF check
is received, only cash, money orders, or cashier checks will be accepted. NSF charges shall be charged in
accordance with the bank used by the League. If an NSF check is passed through the League, the first night
of play after the fees were due shall be forfeited. First night of play will be re-instated if official letter is received
from the bank of the check in question stating that it was a banking error and no fault of the issuer. The NSF
check must be paid in cash within 21 hours after notification to the Team Captain. If the check is not cleared
within the specified time it will cause a forfeit for the next scheduled match and each match thereafter.
STARTING TIME: Each team will start at 8 p.m. Pacific Zone Time (real time not bar time).
A. Teams not having a legal line-up as defined in Article IV, Item B at 8 p.m. Pacific Zone Time will forfeit
the match. Any player absent at the start of the match must be present by 8:30 p.m. Pacific Zone Time
or will forfeit their games and not be allowed to play that night.
B. SCORING: The score sheets provided by the League will be followed. Teams will consist of three players
each week. Each player will play each of the three opposing players once and will receive one point for
each win and no points for each loss.
1. If players are mismatched accidentally, the game is void and the two correct players will play the
game according to the score sheet.
2. When a three player line-up is given to the opposing team, a substitute may replace an absent
player up to 8:30 p.m. If a player is not present by his first game, he/she may be skipped and that
game played at the end of the first round providing that the player arrived for the match by 8:30 p.m.
C. PRIVATE CUE BALLS: Private cue balls are allowed only if both team captains agree prior to the match.
The penalty for using a private cue ball is a loss of match by the team.
D. REFEREES: There are two designated referees along with the players that may call fouls. The referees
shall be one member from each participating team whose name is listed on the score sheet and registered
to play that night. The team captain of each team may designate the referee for his/her team during
match play. Only the referees and the two players included in the game being played may call fouls,
bad hits, etc. Referees will be identified to players prior to start of each game.
1. Any protest can be made during matches, tournaments, or play-offs by informing the opposing player
and/or Team Captain or Board Member.
2. A game may be protested and must be done within 10 minutes of the completion of the disputed game.
3. A match can not be protested.
4. "PROTEST" must be written across the top of the score sheet.
5. A $20.00 protest fee must be filed with the League Treasurer prior to the day of the protest hearing.
6. If the protest is ruled in favor of the protestor, the $20.00 fee is refunded. If he/she loses or withdraws the
protest, the money is kept by the League.
7. If the protest is ruled in favor of the protestor, the game is replayed immediately following the protest
hearing. If the protest is ruled against the protestor, the game stands as is.
8. In the event of a protest, the Board of Trustees will appoint an unbiased protest committee comprised
of five individuals excluding the Board of Trustees to hear the evidence.
9. The protest meeting will be held at a neutral sponsor location.
10. "UNRESOLVED PROTESTS" can be brought before a bi-monthly meeting. The formal protest must be
presented to a Board of Trustees member prior to the meeting. It will be an agenda item under new business.
Five team captains or representatives will meet after the meeting to decide the protest. The decision will be
entered into the minutes of the meeting.
F. A decision reached by a panel of five team captains or representatives may be appealed to the Board of
Trustees if reasonable cause can be shown that significant evidence was not presented at the first proceeding.
The Board of Trustees acts as the Supreme Court in such matter and has the option of reviewing the case or
affirming the verdict. The Decision by the Board of Trustees is final.
A. All substitute names will be published in an open sub list to be used by all teams.
B. Any substitute used by any team MUST come from the published sub list.
C. All substitutes will be given a copy of the rules and regulations at the Organizational Meeting and will
agree to abide by these rules.
D. Any new sub joining after the first monthly meeting will be mailed a copy of Rules and Regulations by the
Sergeant at Arms, and will need to sign off the last page which is an acknowledgement of the rules. This
must be handed in to the secretary for keeping on file with subs application, prior to the sub playing for
any team.
A. The League game will be Eight Ball (8-ball).
B. The game will be played by the rules as stated in “World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA)." The rules will
be reviewed each season for changes.
C. The word "referee" as defined will apply unless a tournament is being played, and tournament director
and/or referee is appointed.
1. Should a team not have a legal line-up (as defined in Article IV, B.) at 8:00 P.M. Pacific Time, the
team will forfeit the match and nine (9) games.
2. A team forfeiting two no-show matches will be subject to being dropped from the League as reviewed
by the Board of Trustees.
3. A team winning a match by no-show forfeit, forfeit as a result of penalty fines, and dropped teams will
receive nine wins and the forfeiting team will receive nine losses no later than three weeks after the
beginning of League play. After three weeks the winning team receives the number of games (wins
and losses) equal to their “game” average.
4. A team winning a match by no-show forfeit or a forfeit as a result of penalty fines will receive three
wins per player to be placed in the individual standings and the forfeiting team will receive three losses
per player.
5. A team winning or losing a match by forfeit must turn in a score sheet. Winning teams must call in
the scores.
6. On a no-call in forfeit, the team will be assessed a $25 fine to be paid under penalty of forfeit as per
Article V, A.
7. A forfeit game will not be rematched.
8. If a match is played against a team in good faith, and a forfeit is later determined to be in effect against
one of the teams, the opposing team has the option of accepting the match results as played, or
receiving a result as determined in paragraph VIII.D.3. The forfeited team always receives 0 wins,
9 losses.
9. If both teams do not have a legal line up (as defined in Art IV, B.) at 8 pm Pacific time, then both teams
will receive a forfeit. Both teams will receive 9 losses and 0 wins.
1. Team standing will be determined by percentage of matches won.
2. Should there be a tie on percentage of matches won, the standings will be determined by percentage
of total games won.
1. Individual standings will be determined by percentage of games won.
2. Any player who drops out of the League will be permanently removed from the standings. Regular
players who drop from the League will “NOT” be placed on the substitute list as an active player and
will not be eligible for any individual awards.
1. All standings, team and individual, will be published once a week to Team Captains and Board of
Trustees, starting with the standings of the teams after the “FIRST WEEK” of play with the addition
of the individual standings after the “THIRD WEEK” of play.
2. Individual and team standings shall not exceed the season game limit.
1. Should there be a tie on percentage of team games won a play-off of a race to three will be used to
determine the winner, to be played at a neutral location.
2. Should there be a tie on percentage of games won for individuals, a play-off of a race to three will be
used to determine the winner, to be played at a neutral location.
A. Prizes and awards will be given at the end of each season. The Board of Trustees will decide on the type
of awards given out by factoring in the League budget and prices of the awards. They may at their discretion
ask award winners for their preferences and should try to accommodate the requests if possible.
B. Suggestions for awards can be made at the Policies & Procedures Meeting.
C. Awards for Tournament – Awards for all tournaments will be limited to 25% of the participants in any
particular tournament.
D. The choice of team awards will be limited to the top 20% of the teams at the end of the season.
*The following jacket restrictions are suspended because of limited color selections. However should these
colors become available again then this suspension will be lifted.
1. The color "GOLD" of a jacket is reserved for the FIRST place team only. A member of that team may
choose another color for their jacket, but no other placed team (second through fifth place) can pick
the color "GOLD.”
2. The color "SILVER" of a jacket is reserved for the SECOND place team only. A member of that team
may choose another color for their jacket, but no other placed team (third through fifth place) can pick
the color "SILVER.”
3. The color "BRONZE/COPPER" of a jacket is reserved for the THIRD place team only. A member of that
team may choose another color for their jacket, but no other placed team (fourth through fifth place) can
pick the color "BRONZE/COPPER.”
– An individual sportsmanship award (Spirit of IBL) will be selected each season. This award is
voted by all members of the League for the League member in good standing they feel most captured
the essence of the IBL; primarily good sportsmanship, camaraderie, fair play, humility in winning,
grace in losing, love of the game and the League, and for supporting our purpose in the community.
1. Ballots will be given out at the final meeting of the season. Players will vote on their selections
for these awards and deposit the ballots in the League Drop Box by the last night of play.
– A team sportsmanship award (Spirit of IBL) will be selected each season. This award is voted by all
members of the League for the League team in good standing they feel most captured the essence
of the IBL; primarily good sportsmanship, camaraderie, fair play, humility in winning, grace in losing,
love of the game and the League, and for supporting our purpose in the community.
1. Each player on the winning team will receive an award. In the event of a tie, the Board of Trustees
will make the award determination.
2. Ballots will be given out at the final meeting of the season. Players will vote on their selections
for these awards and deposit the ballots in the League Drop Box by the last night of play.
G. SUBSTITUTE PLAYER AWARDS – Awards for Substitute Players will be given to the top 25% of the
substitute players.
1. A player must have played at least one-third of the season’s games to qualify for an award.
2. Each award will list the players’ season ending average.
H. INDIVIDUAL AWARDS – individual awards for regular players will be a minimum of top five places
awarded up to the top 20% of regular players at the start of the season.
1. A player must have played at least two-thirds of the season’s games to qualify for an individual award.
2. Each award will list the players’ season ending average.
I. MOST IMPROVED PLAYER – Any league member on a team in good standing whose statistics are the
most improved over the past two consecutive seasons qualifies.
1. A player must have played at least two-thirds of the season’s games to qualify for this award.
2. The award will list the player’s season ending average.
J. ROOKIE OF THE SEASON – The best average of a new-incoming regular team player who has never
been a member of the League before qualifies.
1. A player must have played at least two-thirds of the season’s games to qualify for this award.
2. The award will list the player’s season ending average.
K. BREAK & RUN – Awards for Break & Run will be given to the player who breaks and runs the table before
the other player (the racker) shoots.
L. RACK & RUN – Awards for Rack & Run will be given to the player who racks, and after the break and no
ball (including the cue ball) has been pocketed or jumped off the table, clears his/hers intended balls off
the table.
A. The League may sponsor tournaments to be open to all members of the League. The Board of Trustees
shall act as coordinators of the tournament and the League President may enlist aid to set-up special
committees to execute and supervise all phases of tournament direction and operations.
B. Beginning of Season Tournament – At the start of each season there will be a double elimination
tournament coinciding with the last day of registration open to all current season league members. The
format (race to 1, race to 2, etc.) of the tournament will be decided by the tournament director.
C. All Stars Tournament (.500 & Over) - Every season the League will host a double elimination tournament
for members that have achieved 0.500 or higher game average halfway through the season. The format of
the tournament will be decided by the tournament director. The tournament will be held at least one week
after the cut off date to allow for players to make plans to attend and to give the Secretary enough time to
complete the standings and account for any errors.
D. Minors Tournament (.499 & Under) - Every season the League will hold a double elimination tournament
for members that have achieved 0.499 or lower game average halfway through the season. The format of
the tournament will be decided by the tournament director. The tournament will be held at least one week
after the cut off date to allow for players to make plans to attend and to give the Secretary enough time to
complete the standings and account for any errors.
E. End of Season – Individual Tournament – After the last night of season play, there will be a double elimination
tournament open to all members in good standing. The format of the tournament will be decided by the
tournament director.
F. End of Season – Teams Tournament – After the last night of season play, there will be a single elimination
tournament between teams. Any additional format to the tournament (such as the scoring process) will be
decided by the Board of Trustees to make the best use of the number of teams playing.
G. In Play-Offs or Tournaments, in one location, if a player is not on premises for next game he/she is to play,
he/she will forfeit that game. In case of multiple locations, a player has ten minutes from time of Tournament
Director’s notification to arrive at their location of play.
A. The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for the pairings of teams for match competition to be
reviewed by the Board of Directors at the General Meeting. In the event that there is more than one table
at a play location, the Board of Trustees will note on the Sponsor Roster the table that will be used for match
play at that location. Criteria to be used will include, but not be limited to, past matches and table
location/conditions. The teams playing may elect to choose another table to play, provided that both teams
are in agreement. In the event that the chosen table is inoperable or is not suitable for play, the teams playing
may elect to choose another table in the same location for play. If the teams cannot mutually agree on an
alternate table, then there will be a coin toss (tossed by the Home Team and called by the Visiting Team)
between the two tables suggested by the teams to decide which table to use.
B. Team Captains WILL NOT reschedule or move matches to another location. This will only be done by the
Board of Trustees within one week (whenever possible) of the originally scheduled match. If a match is
rescheduled without authorization BOTH teams will forfeit.
C. Matches may be scheduled on one table per match per home establishment providing their facilities provide
adequate accommodations for League play as determined by the Board of Trustees to be in the best interest
of the League. Any usage of additional tables will be assigned by the Board of Trustees according to the
D. Teams will be scheduled to play at each sponsor location at least once during the season and spread out
as evenly as possible between all the sponsor locations.
E. The "Home Team" in each match will be determined by the team listed first on the scheduled night of play.
F. Each team will be scheduled to play each other at least once during the season whenever possible.
G. Should a sponsor/bar drop from the League, for whatever reasons, matches scheduled there will be
rescheduled by the Board of Trustees according to overflow.
H. In the event the location of a match has to be changed (table inoperable, sponsor/bar closed, etc.) from
what is on the original schedule at the beginning of the season, the Board of Trustees will determine the
location using sponsor establishments that have additional tables on a rotating basis.
I. Each team shall be scheduled to be HOME TEAM and VISITING TEAM an equal amount of times
whenever possible.
J. POSITION ROUND: Defined: During Position Round play, the First Place team will play against the
Second Place team; the Third Place team will play against the Fourth Place team; Fifth Place team will
play against the Sixth Place team. This will continue throughout the team pairings. If there is an odd number
of teams, the Last Place team will have the night off.
1. There will be a minimum of one position round in the schedule per season. At the Board of Trustees’
discretion, there may be a total of two position rounds per season, if it is decided to be in the best interest
of the League. Position Rounds should be scheduled towards the end of the season; if there are two
Position Rounds, then the second Position Round should be scheduled midway through the season.
2. To determine the location of play, the Secretary will check with the Captain of the First Place team for
their choice of location. The Captain of the Third Place team will get their location choice. This will continue
throughout the pairings with the team listed first (Fifth, Seventh, Ninth, etc.) having the option of play
location. If a location is already taken, the Captain will need to select another location for play.
3. The Secretary will make every reasonable effort to contact the captains for their location request as soon
as possible. This should be done so all teams will be made aware of their play location as soon as possible,
so Substitute Players may be lined up as soon as possible if needed.
4. In the event that the Secretary cannot get in touch with the Captain of a team, the Secretary may assign the
play location at the Home Bar listed on the team’s application, or another location at the Secretary’s
discretion according to overflow and availability.
5. If there is a tie between two or more teams in regards to Match and Game Average, then the Secretary
(or another officer if the Secretary is not available) will have a random drawing (by way of tossing quarters
or drawing names out of a hat or other similar format) between the captains of the teams affected. The
winner of the random drawing will be the "higher ranked team" for purposes of Position Round. If the
captains of the affected team will not be able to attend the drawing procedure, then another member of that
team may fill in. If any members of the team cannot be present, then another League Officer may be present
at the drawing to ensure fairness.
A. GRAY AREAS: In the event the Board of Trustees feel they cannot make a decision on a problem that
may contain a "gray area" the Board may present the problem to the General Membership for a vote.
B. The League is an amateur organization and no individual player should be paid for their performance.
A. The Rules, By-Laws, and Policies & Procedures may be amended, changed, altered, repealed, corrected,
or made additions to at the next Rules and Regulations meeting or unless just cause can be shown by a
simple majority vote at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
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